Distinctive service provider
Installation, commissioning and repair of plastic injection machines for preform production
Installation, commissioning and repair of plastic injection machines for the production of bottle caps (seals and gas seals)
Installation, commissioning and repair of automatic and manual balloon devices
Hotraner service and preform injection molds and bottle caps Hoskey, z-molds, MHT
Design, troubleshooting and repair of electrical and mechanical industrial facilities
Installation, commissioning and repair of nylon production machines
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With considering to past eras it’s evident that primitives were seeking different localities to find foodstuffs and up to this time, there were no need to keep and preserve the foodstuffs but settling in permanent shelters made them to find a solution about keeping foodstuffs in their residence and this matter was the first pace to start packing that at the beginning was done by the means of shellfishes, shell of lobsters, pumpkins, animal’s horns and …..
Address: Unit 10, 3rd Floor, No. 1, Bokharest Avenue, Tehran - Iran
تلفن: 02184032530
تلفن: 02184032531
فکس: 02184032536
CEO Direct: 8403253
You can submit your resume for info@shafafshimi.com .